Feromihin’s S3 Project Was Co-financed by the European Union

S3 project

Feromihin from Novoselec near Zagreb won HRK 2.8 million in the tender Innovations in S3 project areas for “Innovations in S3 areas Feromihin”. The project’s total value is 5.9 million kuna, and it will last for 24 months.

The main goal they want to achieve is the commercialization of innovative products PIMSf (system for monitoring all pipeline elements, organization of documentation and repair planning) and eLBC (system for monitoring and automatic blocking of pipelines).

The PIMSf product is a fully web browser responsive and cloud solution and globally accessible to operators and technical staff, enabling the configuration of any data set regardless of the hardware vendor and recording contractor. The system provides an overview and status of each pipeline line and timely planning of repairs and future corrosion growth simulations.

The eLBC product provides better quality measurements with an increased number of measuring channels to ensure the safety of the pipeline or product pipeline in the event of a crack or pressure drop.

Read more about it at: https://profitiraj.hr/feromihin-s-inovativnim-proizvodom-probija-se-na-trzista-indije-afrike-i-ujedinjenih-arapskih-emirata/

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